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Confessions of an Artistic Mystic
If you're not sure if this blog is something that interests you, you can start with my initial post, Why am I writing this? Who is it for? ***Updated on July 30, 2021***
which you can find here.
Cliff Dansa
Aug 21, 202111 min read
What Can We Bring Back?
This approach to artistic practice that I have been describing evolved quite naturally once I allowed myself to drop the idea that...
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Cliff Dansa
Aug 21, 20217 min read
The Essence of the Practice
In 1993, the improv group was meeting every other week, I was deciding to go back to school to become a high school mathematics teacher,...
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Cliff Dansa
Aug 21, 20217 min read
Working with Paul Oertel
I was trying to return to civilization after five years as a tree planter, but it was a difficult transition. I was living in a rented...
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Cliff Dansa
Jul 29, 202111 min read
Reality Is Not What You Think It Is (2)
In the last post, we looked at the assumption, so embedded in the scientific objective paradigm, “If you can’t measure it, it doesn’t...
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Cliff Dansa
Jul 29, 202113 min read
Reality Is Not What You Think It Is (1)
One of the foundational assumptions of the scientific objectivist paradigm that our modern culture is centered around is, “If you can’t...
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Cliff Dansa
Jul 29, 20217 min read
Sitting Still: The Practice of Zen
I should begin by stating that I am by no means a “Zen master” or a Zen teacher. My experiences with Zen have had deep impacts on my life...
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Cliff Dansa
Jul 29, 20215 min read
Living and Working in the Woods
It was raining as I drove into Forks, which is a little redundant—it's always raining in Forks, Washington. There are only about 75 days...
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Cliff Dansa
Jul 29, 20216 min read
Artistic Diatribe
There are no longer “dancers,” the possessed. The cleavage of men into actor and spectators is the central fact of our time. . . . We...
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Cliff Dansa
Jul 22, 20214 min read
A Choice of Medium
I don’t really like to call music and dance “performing arts” because this term implies that performance is the purpose of these art...
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Cliff Dansa
Jul 22, 20218 min read
The Improv Group
In 1991, I came back from six months in Germany feeling a little emotionally bruised and not sure what to do next. I did, however, have...
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Cliff Dansa
Jul 22, 202111 min read
The Knock on the Door
It was a little before noon on a hot dry dusty day as I was walking out to the highway. It was 1977 and I was twenty-one years old. Just...
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Cliff Dansa
Jul 21, 20218 min read
Why am I writing this? Who is it for?
I am calling this blog, “Confessions of an Artistic Mystic.” A mystic, as I use the term, is someone who consciously decides to develop a...
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